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FlintHillsChiefs 12-11-2017 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13277472)
I heard excerpts of an interview he did where he was asked point blank if the new trilogy was going to be a KOTOR venture. While he naturally wouldn't confirm it, he also didn't exactly deny it, either.

And yeah -

Oh my god. I would be more excited about a KoToR trilogy than even finishing out the current trilogy. Awesome!

Sassy Squatch 12-12-2017 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13276756)
Do not go to r/star wars leaks

DaneMcCloud 12-12-2017 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13277619)
Please say that you've been told that by someone you know that went there and didn't go yourself.

Ironically, I wanted to be spoiled for this film so that I could sit back, relax and take it all in on the first viewing.

But now, after multiple trailers, especially the most recent trailer, I have zero interest in being spoiled.

BleedingRed 12-12-2017 11:29 AM

Comcast is paying for me to go see it on Friday

Hammock Parties 12-12-2017 12:28 PM

There is one minor spoiler in this so don't click it if you're afraid. I have picked out the best lines.

Star Wars has changed forever


The Last Jedi is not just a bold, fresh and humorous new addition to the franchise - it's the one that will change it forever.

At the first London screening of the movie on Monday, Johnson came on stage and told the audience to "have fun". It was a perfect prelude to a film that doesn't shy away from the silliness which characterises the cult favourites we now watch with teary eyes.

All through the movie, there was laughter and cheering. The movie was engaging with a giant IMAX cinema, and the cinema was talking back.

And Johnson doesn't just salvage what the franchise lost - he also propels it forward, introducing 'grey' characters in a galaxy painted in black and white.

Johnson's Jedi are a little Sith, his Sith no longer monsters but humans.

In a widely advertised scene in the casino city of Canto Bight - reminiscent of the Mos Eisley cantina of Episode IV - a new character played by Benicio Del Toro explains how the same arms dealers who supply the Empire also supply the Resistance.

Johnson's biggest accomplishment is his characters, and the actors cast for them.

In a franchise plagued by awkward performances and hollow dialogues, The Last Jedi introduces us to a brilliant, layered Mark Hamill and a surprisingly charismatic new character called Rose.

But all eyes are on Adam Driver. The actor I once thought was too good for Star Wars has raised the bar to an unprecedented level.

And others around him seem propelled by his strength - determined to be better.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 12-12-2017 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13277629)
I did...and I've flirted with enough sentences I'm not digging deeper.

NO SPOILERS: I checked it out. Sounds like the current crop of spoilers over there are legit. Not sure how I feel about some of them. Gonna depend on the execution. Won't judge until I see it. I suppose its possible this is a really great disinformation campaign from Disney, as well. All of the reviews I've seen so far are overwhelmingly positive. A lot of them from hardcore SW fans, too.

DaneMcCloud 12-12-2017 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 13278573)
NO SPOILERS: I checked it out. Sounds like the current crop of spoilers over there are legit. Not sure how I feel about some of them. Gonna depend on the execution. Won't judge until I see it. I suppose its possible this is a really great disinformation campaign from Disney, as well. All of the reviews I've seen so far are overwhelmingly positive.

I'm not reading any further spoilers but I've heard from inside Lucasfilm, Rian Johnson really turned the Star Wars galaxy "Upside Down" and that many people are looking forward to JJ Abrams return in Episode IX to "right the ship".

I won't know what that means until I see the movie but someone at Disney likes Rian's take or he wouldn't have been handed the keys to a new trilogy.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 12-12-2017 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13278582)
I'm not reading any further spoilers but I've heard from inside Lucasfilm, Rian Johnson really turned the Star Wars galaxy "Upside Down" and that many people are looking forward to JJ Abrams return in Episode IX to "right the ship".

I won't know what that means until I see the movie but someone at Disney likes Rian's take or he wouldn't have been handed the keys to a new trilogy.

I'm a little concerned about the apparent lack of vision/direction. This shit should've all been mapped out before hand. I hope it doesn't leave a black mark on the trilogy. That said, I suppose Lucas didn't have a damn clue what he was doing in the OT and it worked out.

I'm not sure how I feel about Abrams coming back either. I'm just not crazy about the guy as a director. I don't hate him. I just don't love him. I am heartened by the good reviews I've seen, however. A lot of people calling it the "3rd best SW". That's pretty good.

Hammock Parties 12-12-2017 12:44 PM

The Last Jedi takes full advantage of its sequel status and delivers a follow-up to The Force Awakens that expands upon that film’s characters and stories in exciting and frankly shocking ways.

Writer/director Rian Johnson deserves immense praise for taking big, bold moves with the narrative that feel subversive without being disingenuous to the story that’s come before. It’s a masterful balancing act in giving the audience what they want — a rousing adventure with compelling and fun characters — while simultaneously giving the audience what they need: a story that doesn’t adhere to predictability in order to please the widest possible audience.

But even then, Johnson delivers the crowd-pleasing action, endearing humor, and epic scope fans want out of Star Wars. Freed from the more reverent and fetishistic tendencies of J.J. Abrams, Johnson’s filmmaking style feels more like a natural evolution of the original trilogy than The Force Awakens. He still nails the grandiose moments like Abrams does, but he reserves being showy for moments that count.

And boy, are there moments that count in The Last Jedi. There are striking story beats that, while they do echo The Empire Strikes Back and even Return of the Jedi, manage to twist those familiar bits into twists that had me reeling backward into my seat.

The Last Jedi goes places that feel like the end of a saga rather than a middle entry. That actually helps make everything feel momentous and impacting. Instead of pulling punches for later entries, Johnson’s script holds nothing back and it pays off in enormous ways.

DaneMcCloud 12-12-2017 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 13278610)
I'm a little concerned about the apparent lack of vision/direction. This shit should've all been mapped out before hand. I hope it doesn't leave a black mark on the trilogy.

Oh, there's not a lack of direction or vision, it's just that Rian Johnson apparently took what came before him and turned it on its ear.

I don't see any issue with that, as The Force Awakens was a pile of garbage from a storytelling standpoint that failed to move the Star Wars narrative forward.

As for Abrams, he's a fine director that gets the most out of his cast but he consistently fails to create an interesting story, regardless of whether or not it was The Force Awakens or Mission Impossible 3, etc. and so on.

Super 8 could have been and should have been so much more.

He's just not a good writer.

Hammock Parties 12-12-2017 12:51 PM

Mark is such a good sport. LMAO

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ShiftyEyedWaterboy 12-12-2017 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13278640)
Oh, there's not a lack of direction or vision, it's just that Rian Johnson apparently took what came before him and turned it on its ear.

I don't see any issue with that, as The Force Awakens was a pile of garbage from a storytelling standpoint that failed to move the Star Wars narrative forward.

As for Abrams, he's a fine director that gets the most out of his cast but he consistently fails to create an interesting story, regardless of whether or not it was The Force Awakens or Mission Impossible 3, etc. and so on.

Super 8 could have been and should have been so much more.

Well, I'm glad to hear that. I would prefer that to another OT clone.

I really wish they weren't bringing Abrams back, though. I feel like he's the safe bet to make Disney a ton of money but not to make a really great film.

DaneMcCloud 12-12-2017 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 13278655)
Well, I'm glad to hear that. I would prefer that to another OT clone.

I really wish they weren't bringing Abrams back, though. I feel like he's the safe bet to make Disney a ton of money but not to make a really great film.

After the Lord & Miller, Josh Trank and Colin Trevorrow debacles, KK didn't have anyone else that she trusted for Episode IX.

I'm betting that Ron Howard makes a damn good Han Solo movie but he'll be in Post until at least March, so he wasn't an option for IX and with Rian Johnson's new trilogy, he wasn't an option, either.

It was definitely the "safe" move but she's made some rather unsafe moves in the hirings and firings as well.

sd4chiefs 12-12-2017 01:29 PM

Reviews are in. 93% :thumb:

Bowser 12-12-2017 01:32 PM

Completely stoked

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