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Easy 6 03-22-2011 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 7508998)
Why are you preaching this to us? We are the ones that are still here. DANE is the one that left, so send this to him.

I'm not preaching to anyone, just my observation.

I dont have a dog in this, to me its two guys that let their rivalry & emotions get the better of their 1a) decency & 1b) control of ego.

If theres more to the story, i dont know what it is.

Frankie 03-22-2011 05:00 PM

I actually think Dane will be back once the Iodine tablets take effect.

SAUTO 03-22-2011 05:30 PM

now people are making me worried about dane.

hope everything is good for him, here or not....

threebag 03-22-2011 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie (Post 7509394)
I actually think Dane will be back once the Monistat takes effect.


Okie_Apparition 03-22-2011 06:39 PM

Between the homies pouring out Grey Goose & the sand flowing from the viginas, this thread is quick sand to us n00bs.

chefsos 03-22-2011 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Okie_Apparition (Post 7509718)
Between the homies pouring out Grey Goose & the sand flowing from the viginas, this thread is quick sand to us n00bs.

How many times can one be a n00b, anyway?

Groves 03-22-2011 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by HonestChieffan (Post 7509331)
For good old Dane, we need it to top 100 pages.

I'll never quite understand why everyone doesn't have their settings for the maximum number of posts per page, which currently is 80, but I'd be ok with a 500 option.

Clicking is so yesteryear. No time for that noise.

salame 03-22-2011 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by chefsos (Post 7509736)
How many times can one be a n00b, anyway?

how much free time do you have?

|Zach| 03-22-2011 06:53 PM

Stinks like sex in here.

Okie_Apparition 03-22-2011 06:55 PM

Do not interact with it. You're killing the ghostly aspect, or is that a meat gravy? NM

DeezNutz 03-22-2011 06:56 PM

NSFW (language)

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

chefsos 03-22-2011 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by salame (Post 7509763)
how much free time do you have?

Plenty. I keep taking redshirt years.

Dartgod 03-22-2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 7509128)
It sounds like you're saying the place has gone downhill since around the time we split DC off from the Lounge. I tried to warn you. This also helps explain why I haven't noticed the decline as much as you because I'm insulated from the apparent Lounge suckage over in DC where we have an outstanding collection of people who give each other shit but who would also give each other the shirt off our backs if necessary because we know the difference between message board and real life. Stop by sometime.

Splitting that cesspool off was the best thing that ever happened to this place, save the day that Kyle decided to create it in the first place.

There's no way you can be serious.

HMc 03-22-2011 07:57 PM

Frazod, if the place is so terrible because all the timer quality posters have bolted due the flood of insufferable trolls, why don't you piss off aswell?

Sitting around moaning about how the place has gone to shit is worse than the trolling you're complaining about - at least trolls are occasionally amusing.

It's more likely that all the quality posters you miss legged it because they got sick of talking to you about the same crap all the time.

KCrockaholic 03-22-2011 07:59 PM

This in the HOC yet? We've hit 1,500 and like nearly 30k views.

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