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Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:08 PM

A snowboarder ran over the back of one of my skis on Sunday....

2112 01-09-2007 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal
A snowboarder ran over the back of one of my skis on Sunday....

Are you ok???

Simplex3 01-09-2007 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by joeyranaway
100 ****ing pages and all I can show for it is a new found hatred for emo kids.

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells
Are you ok???

Depends on who you ask. :)

Simplex3 01-09-2007 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by bill parcells

it was fun

It's not finished until we rank on the first page of google when someone searches for beryllium sphere.

Once we get to page one I have a magic trick to boost us into the top 3 temporarily.


2112 01-09-2007 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal
Depends on who you ask. :)


I'm asking you..but how is the other person in question also ;)

2112 01-09-2007 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
It's not finished until we rank on the first page of google when someone searches for beryllium sphere.

Once we get to page one I have a magic trick to boost us into the top 3 temporarily.


Yes!!excellent!!!I just posted some more Beryllium Sphere info..we should be making a dent shortly.

Halfcan 01-09-2007 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by joeyranaway
I tried but I trip on a ****ing lawn gnome.

I hate those things-they remind me of Rat Shanacan.

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:20 PM

Anyway.... here I am going down the snowbowl -minding my own business and a snowboarder (who has 3/4 of an empty hill to go down), goes over the back of one of my skis. BAM! The ski stops moving (I don't), the ski comes off and as I'm falling forward... it hits me in the back of my head right on my hair clip.

DAMN. (Luckily for the punk, when my vision cleared he was standing there saying "I'm so sorry... Are you okay???")

Immediately a goose egg was forming on the back of my head. No blood that I can tell....

So after resting in the snow for a couple minutes, I decide to keep skiing.

About an hour & half later, I head for the lodge for lunch. So as I was getting ready for lunch, I put my hand up to touch the "bump" and my hand came away covered with blood. :hmmmm: Guess the cold COLD weather slowed the bleeding down.

After I washed my hands, I finished my lunch (after all, it wasn't like I was dripping blood everywhere). Then I went over to the ski patrol building and asked, "Can you tell me how big the gash is on the back of my head?"

Man, you would have thought that I had announced I was dying. They calmed down a bit after I told them it had happened a couple hours before. It turns out that I have a 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch deep gash. oops.

Simplex3 01-09-2007 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan
I hate those things-they remind me of Rat Shanacan.

You know, a beryllium lawn gnome would kick ass. And you could use a beryllium sphere as one of those gazing balls.

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:21 PM

So of course, since the bleeding was mostly stopped - I kept skiing.

Simplex3 01-09-2007 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal
Anyway.... here I am going down the snowbowl -minding my own business and a snowboarder (who has 3/4 of an empty hill to go down), goes over the back of one of my skis. BAM! The ski stops moving (I don't), the ski comes off and as I'm falling forward... it hits me in the back of my head right on my hair clip.

You're lucky. Those rat-bastards have killed two people this year.

KurtCobain 01-09-2007 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
a beryllium lawn gnome

I'm going shopping tomorrow! :drool:

2112 01-09-2007 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal
Anyway.... here I am going down the snowbowl -minding my own business and a snowboarder (who has 3/4 of an empty hill to go down), goes over the back of one of my skis. BAM! The ski stops moving (I don't), the ski comes off and as I'm falling forward... it hits me in the back of my head right on my hair clip.

DAMN. (Luckily for the punk, when my vision cleared he was standing there saying "I'm so sorry... Are you okay???")

Immediately a goose egg was forming on the back of my head. No blood that I can tell....

So after resting in the snow for a couple minutes, I decide to keep skiing.

About an hour & half later, I head for the lodge for lunch. So as I was getting ready for lunch, I put my hand up to touch the "bump" and my hand came away covered with blood. :hmmmm: Guess the cold COLD weather slowed the bleeding down.

After I washed my hands, I finished my lunch (after all, it wasn't like I was dripping blood everywhere). Then I went over to the ski patrol building and asked, "Can you tell me how big the gash is on the back of my head?"

Man, you would have thought that I had announced I was dying. They calmed down a bit after I told them it had happened a couple hours before. It turns out that I have a 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch deep gash. oops.

Holy many stitches??thats nasty..

Sam Hall 01-09-2007 10:26 PM

I have returned after an awfully long day. I had class from 9:30 this morning to 6:15 this evening, with no breaks. The 45 minute drive home wasn't easy. It's safe to say I was hungry. Nothing in the refrigerator was safe from my stomach when I got home.

Senior level college courses are tough. I have a rediculous amount of reading to do, and it won't be long before papers are assigned.

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