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Phobia 04-30-2004 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Herzig
Damn!!! Phobia!! You got screwed by your Lawyers and wife. What exactly did they do for that $20K anyway? You would probably have been better off representing yourself. Sorry you had to go through that dude. Ouch.

Oh - those are not my exact figures. I didn't quite spend $20k on attorneys. But, the bitch was in a fighting mood and she was content to make it as hellish as possible, so I got pretty close to it. For that amount of money, I got to keep my house and only pay alimony for 8 months, until she graduated nursing school. Fortunately, alimony only exists in Texas for special situations and she didn't "qualify". The 8 months was entirely voluntary - I'm such a nice bastard.

Skip Towne 04-30-2004 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Oh - those are not my exact figures. I didn't quite spend $20k on attorneys. But, the bitch was in a fighting mood and she was content to make it as hellish as possible, so I got pretty close to it. For that amount of money, I got to keep my house and only pay alimony for 8 months, until she graduated nursing school. Fortunately, alimony only exists in Texas for special situations and she didn't "qualify". The 8 months was entirely voluntary - I'm such a nice bastard.

You were a lot nicer than I would have been.

Phobia 04-30-2004 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
You were a lot nicer than I would have been.

Yeah - upon reflection, that was pretty 'fn stupid. At that point, I was really, really sick of the entire ordeal and didn't think a few extra grrr was gonna hurt anything. 'course, that's back when I was bringing $100 an hour. Haven't seen that rate in a while.... :(

Skip Towne 04-30-2004 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Yeah - upon reflection, that was pretty 'fn stupid. At that point, I was really, really sick of the entire ordeal and didn't think a few extra grrr was gonna hurt anything. 'course, that's back when I was bringing $100 an hour. Haven't seen that rate in a while.... :(

Damn, what did you do for $100 per hour or should I ask?

Phobia 04-30-2004 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
Damn, what did you do for $100 per hour or should I ask?

Computer geek. Designed networks & shit like that.

Bob Dole 04-30-2004 08:02 PM

Reading the first few posts, Bob Dole doesn't have the courage to actually scroll back through this thread.

You all need to consider obtaining lives or something.

(Then be sure to let Bob Dole know where you found them so he can pick one up, too.)

Jenny Gump 04-30-2004 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Computer geek. Designed networks & shit like that.

Well...that is an interesting euphemism. How come you charged me $150 an hour?

Phobia 04-30-2004 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by JennyGump
Well...that is an interesting euphemism. How come you charged me $150 an hour?

Shhhh - Austinchief doesn't really like me marketing out here.

listopencil 05-01-2004 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by JennyGump
Well...that is an interesting euphemism. How come you charged me $150 an hour?

Because you insisted on a "103.5".

Iowanian 05-04-2004 07:24 PM

I really tried to let this one go
1 Attachment(s)
but its just too perfect.


Sorry KCCM.....Someone posted yet another of your spring break pictures.

Inspector 05-04-2004 07:57 PM

You just think they have control.

In a few years the tables will turn.

Us old guys have found out that for the vast majority of life us guys have the control.

What you are going through is part of being young. Hang in there. Better times are ahead. You will eventually have the control. Enjoy.

Raiderhater 05-04-2004 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Elvis

Even more disturbing the pictures of Paul wearing Gucci shades ALL OF THE TIME is the horrific picture of Brian in that dress. :shake:

Inspector 05-04-2004 08:10 PM

Oh, and by the way, while I'm thinking about this....

Don't beat off into electronic gadgets.

You could get hurt and cause rust to appear.........on the electronic gadget, that is.

KcMizzou 05-04-2004 08:11 PM

Wow. I'm sorry i missed this thread. Looks like it was a classic.

alanm 05-04-2004 08:16 PM

I want the 10 minutes of my life back after reading this thread.:banghead:

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