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kysirsoze 12-19-2021 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 16022574)
Mahomes didn't have control of the ball when he started the second motion you are stating.....that's what Steratore was saying. That constitutes a fumble...

And he was wrong. He gripped the ball with his fingers and demonstrated control by intentionally pushing the ball forward. Had he simply batted the ball forward I would agree but that isn't what he did.

notorious 12-19-2021 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by gblowfish (Post 16022586)
"Alexian" is a totally CP word nobody else would understand.

Alexsexual is one of the funniest CP terms ever. LMAO

Ming the Merciless 12-19-2021 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 16022588)
QUOTE=JohnnyHammersticks;16014517]Just choked and short-armed it. Damn, that was bad.

and youre confused by this? i just explained to you there are hundreds or maybe thousands of posts critical of pat & the team
and deservedly , as he had some shit throws

but yet none of those made it to this list you need this explained to you again? This is not a list of posts who were reasonably critical of pat for a play/s
you seem like youre still confused maybe you should ask again about this a few more times

4th and Long 12-19-2021 06:57 PM

<iframe src="" width=480 height=268.500 frameBorder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIFER</a></p>

notorious 12-19-2021 06:57 PM

I think it's ok to say "Mahomes made a shitty throw" and "Damnit Andy, what were you thinking"

That's a play-by-play comment. Nothing wrong with that.

It's the "game over" and "Mahomes is done", etc comments that deserve this kind of unveiling.

Pawn is doing work, and it's very, very good.

Mosbonian 12-19-2021 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 16022592)
and youre confused by this? i just explained to you there are hundreds or maybe thousands of posts critical of pat

and deservedly

he had some shit throws

but yet none of those made it to this list you need this explained to you again?

I'm out of are too emotionally involved in shaming people. Again, not really my thing.

Life's too short to get all worked up over something like this.

You enjoy this thread....

srvy 12-19-2021 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by dirk digler (Post 16022582)
IMVHO it is ok to criticize Mahomes play\throws but you are idiot if you want him benched, cut etc.

And I will continue to criticize him, the offense, defense or any other player and if you don't like it **** off.

I hear you it's like you can't criticize Pat at all around here. Pat criticizes himself and blames himself for poor play all the time. Fans will always be critical especially at the QB position because it's that important.

KC_Connection 12-19-2021 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 16022597)
I think it's ok to say "Mahomes made a shitty throw" and "Damnit Andy, what were you thinking"

That's a play-by-play comment. Nothing wrong with that.

It's the "game over" and "Mahomes is done", etc comments that deserve this kind of unveiling.

Pawn is doing work, and it's very, very good.

Yes, there’s a clear distinction to be made there.

Ming the Merciless 12-19-2021 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 16022602)
I'm out of here...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bearcat 12-19-2021 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 16022597)
I think it's ok to say "Mahomes made a shitty throw" and "Damnit Andy, what were you thinking"

That's a play-by-play comment. Nothing wrong with that.

It's the "game over" and "Mahomes is done", etc comments that deserve this kind of unveiling.

Pawn is doing work, and it's very, very good.

Yeah, the Baby Lee posts and Pawn's comments in red on those posts seem more like a personal gripe than in the spirit of the thread.

RaidersOftheCellar 12-19-2021 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16022247)
Yeah, don't give a **** and stand by what I posted. Dude had been playing absolutely horribly up to that point. Really stupid fumble on a double clutch, gimme pick to a LB, and some pretty off target throws all night.

You really didn't get the couple of gems I posted, though. Those in the OP are pretty tame.

Those plays were more due to bad luck than anything. 95% of the time that pass is just batted down (if that). Not what I call a gimme. And the fumble was damn close to being a forward pass.

Baby Lee 12-19-2021 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 16022576)
not true. You mocked HOPE. You gave up. Its there in black and white for all to see. "what reason is there for HOPE?..OH WHATEVER will we do????".

You said this to me DURING the game..why? because I had hope and because you secretly want pat to fail. You were practically giddy
with excitement when it looked like we were going to lose. Then what happened when hope actually became reality?? you disappeared.
Youre a loser. you cant even admit what happened yet it is all there.

You the completely wrong perspective, because you are writing narratives in your mind.

I didn't mock hope. I mocked YOU calling everyone who wasn't actively engaged in hope a bunch of worthless scumbag pussies who need to die.

IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME!! A GREAT GAME, with tons of contradicting emotions, you were already spitting bile and hatred and incanting curses and putting pins in voodoo dolls for anyone who was anything less than absolutely certain [based on HOPE] that everything would be fine no matter what.

Our HOPE is irrelevant to how the team plays. . . But how fans treat each other is highly relevant to how deeply and fervently we continue to be fans.

And it ever seems like you care about is inventing heretics and abusing them for their imagined heresy.

RealSNR 12-19-2021 07:06 PM

It is fine to say, "That was a bad throw by Mahomes" or "That one was on Mahomes" or "Our defense can't seem to stop player X."

When you get into the mockery of Mahomes and the calling the game with 5 minutes left and the Eeyore woe-is-us bullshit, that's what I find disgusting. Particularly the treatment of Mahomes.

Other than birth of children or getting married or whatever other gay sappy shit people have in their memories, that man has delivered unto most of this fanbase the happiest moment they've ever had in their lives. And that's how you repay him?

Like... wow.

Also, I've never gotten along with King Chief fan. There came a point where I just had to not respond to him because I'd criticize or mock everything he said. After reading his shit in that thread, he needs mod abuse. Name change that bitch. Alex only fan or something, because that's exactly what that loser ****ing is. He loved Alex, hated the idea of drafting a QB, never warmed up to the Mahomes pick in the first year, and has really tailed off his activity on CP in the years that Mahomes has been good. The guy just doesn't like our QB and has kept it under wraps to avoid confrontation for awhile.

Baby Lee 12-19-2021 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mosbonian (Post 16022602)
I'm out of are too emotionally involved in shaming people. Again, not really my thing.

Life's too short to get all worked up over something like this.

You enjoy this thread....


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 16022608)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hold up!!

Maybe I've read Pawn ALL WRONG!!!

493rd 12-19-2021 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyHammersticks (Post 16022466)
Good job with this thread. Long overdue.

493rd's vag bleeds every single week like clockwork. Just a negative person whose life must really suck. Can't wait to start bitching. Over a freaking game for pete's sake. Nobody who's having even the slightest bit of success in life does that.

Lol. Wrong. And I’m not the guy who spent hours putting together a thread only to mock others. Say what you want I couldn’t care less. The GDT is a roller-coaster of emotion with tons of knee-jerk reactions from posters. Who gives a shit? Put me/others on ignore and move on.

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