View Poll Results: Pick a turd
AussieChiefsFan, bevischief, BlackHelicopters, Bwana, CHENZ A!, Chief Roundup, CoMoChief, Crush, Dave Lane, deadbabyseal, dpg4zombie, drunkie, Easy 6, Hammock Parties, homeoftheCHIEFS, Hound333, InvinciBill, KCrockaholic, listopencil, Lzen, Mama Hip Rockets, Molitoth, Munson, Nickel D, Omaha, Predarat, Psyko Tek, Rain Man, redfan, reschief, rico, Scorp, Shogun, Simply Red, Sweet Daddy Hate, teedubya, TimeForWasp, Trevo_410, Valiant, wazu, wheeler08
42 |
30.22% |
007, AdumbGuy, AJKCFAN, Assud, AustinChief, Barret, Bewbies, Big Chief Homer, BigMeatballDave, BossChief, BullJunkandIron, Bump, burt, BWillie, Cannibal, chefs fan in omaha, Chief Gump, ChiefMojo, Chiefs=Champions, ChiefsCountry, COchief, Contrarian, cyborgtable, d3c0y55, DaFace, DaneMcCloud, Dartgod, Dayze, DJBILL, DonkyPuncher, durtyrute, Earthbound, Ebolapox, ExtremeChief, Fansy the Famous Bard, Fat Elvis, Gary, GESteve, Gonzo, hometeam, jAZ, jbwm89, jjchieffan, jspchief, Kanesville, KCbroncoHATER, Kidd Lex, lcarus, loochy, Mr. Flopnuts, Mr. Kotter, Mr_Tomahawk, notorious, Priest31kc, pr_capone, Pushead2, Quesadilla Joe, RealSNR, Reaper16, RedDread, Renegade, Rooster, saphojunkie, Saul Good, SLAG, Smed1065, Sorter, Stanley Nickels, suds79, TEX, The Bad Guy, The Franchise, threebag, TLO, Trivers, tyton75, Unsmooth-Moment
77 |
55.40% |
84 Chief, alanm, blackdragon11, BoneKrusher, CanadianChief, Caseyguyrr, Chief Pote, clyde05, Exoter175, Guitarkore, HuskerPower, King_Chief_Fan, Lonewolf Ed, okoye35chiefs, Pants, tarheel23, The Apostle, TinyEvel, Woodchuck
20 |
14.39% |
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